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Angela Hospital Recovery

Angela got injured while roller-skating in the park! Take care of lovable kitten in the hospital and help her recover. You have all the needed equipment to treat your patient, so start off by changing her clothes into a comfortable robe to find the cure. Give her the right amount of medicine, get rid of the sticks and disinfect the wounds. Fix her broken bones and after you`ve placed the casts Angela will get better right away!

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Angela Hospital Recovery

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Angela Hospital Recovery

Angela got injured while roller-skating in the park! Take care of lovable kitten in the hospital and help her recover. You have all the needed equipment to treat your patient, so start off by changing her clothes into a comfortable robe to find the cure. Give her the right amount of medicine, get rid of the sticks and disinfect the wounds. Fix her broken bones and after you`ve placed the casts Angela will get better right away!
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