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Apple White: At The Dentist

You know what they say, that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well Apple White doesn't seem to enjoy apples very much since with her mother unfortunate experience and all! So instead of eating apples, Apple White eats a lot of sweets. She likes chocolate very much. Also, Apple White was too lazy to brush her teeth regularly. That's why her teeth are in a really bad shape right now.

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Apple White: At The Dentist

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Apple White: At The Dentist

You know what they say, that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well Apple White doesn't seem to enjoy apples very much since with her mother unfortunate experience and all! So instead of eating apples, Apple White eats a lot of sweets. She likes chocolate very much. Also, Apple White was too lazy to brush her teeth regularly. That's why her teeth are in a really bad shape right now.
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