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Baby Barbie Beach Slacking

Baby Barbie Beach Slacking is an Other game. You can play Baby Barbie Beach Slacking in your browser for free. Baby Barbie loves summer time. She likes to have fun in the ocean and build sand castles. One of her favorite activities during summer is to eat delicious and tasty ice cream as well with different flavors. This summer she will spend it with her mother and she wants to try a few slacking activities without being spotted. Start the great game called Baby Barbie Beach Slacking and make sure her mother will not catch her. She has a few fun activities in mind and they involve the ocean and sand. She will start with sending messages to her friends telling how great summer and the ocean are.

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Baby Barbie Beach Slacking

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Baby Barbie Beach Slacking

Baby Barbie Beach Slacking is an Other game. You can play Baby Barbie Beach Slacking in your browser for free. Baby Barbie loves summer time. She likes to have fun in the ocean and build sand castles. One of her favorite activities during summer is to eat delicious and tasty ice cream as well with different flavors. This summer she will spend it with her mother and she wants to try a few slacking activities without being spotted. Start the great game called Baby Barbie Beach Slacking and make sure her mother will not catch her. She has a few fun activities in mind and they involve the ocean and sand. She will start with sending messages to her friends telling how great summer and the ocean are.
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Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: