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Baby Hazel Lighthouse Adventure

Baby Hazel is cruising in the azure waters listening live music and swimming and sun bathing. While cruising she comes across secluded lighthouse which fascinates her and compels her to sail lonely towards it. The Lighthouse looks unfrequented and jinxed. But dauntless Baby Hazel is still curious to explore spooky Lighthouse. Want to know what happens in the Lighthouse? Whom she meets there? Then play this game and join her adventurous voyage. Be with her and ensure she is contented throughout the journey. Have fun!

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Baby Hazel Lighthouse Adventure

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Baby Hazel Lighthouse Adventure

Baby Hazel is cruising in the azure waters listening live music and swimming and sun bathing. While cruising she comes across secluded lighthouse which fascinates her and compels her to sail lonely towards it. The Lighthouse looks unfrequented and jinxed. But dauntless Baby Hazel is still curious to explore spooky Lighthouse. Want to know what happens in the Lighthouse? Whom she meets there? Then play this game and join her adventurous voyage. Be with her and ensure she is contented throughout the journey. Have fun!
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Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: