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Bella The Vampire Makeover

Bella The Vampire Makeover looks like a young woman but she is actually hundreds of years old. Help her find a new look and do a makeover on her! Bella was not always a vampire. She was just a regular high school girl. she met a fascinating boy, Edward and she fell deeply in love with him. Soon she discovered that Edward was not just any regular boy, he was a vampire. And there was also a werewolf boy in love with Bella as well, which only made things more complicated. In the end, Bella ends up marrying Edward and in order to save her life, he transforms her into a vampire as well.

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Bella The Vampire Makeover

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Bella The Vampire Makeover

Bella The Vampire Makeover looks like a young woman but she is actually hundreds of years old. Help her find a new look and do a makeover on her! Bella was not always a vampire. She was just a regular high school girl. she met a fascinating boy, Edward and she fell deeply in love with him. Soon she discovered that Edward was not just any regular boy, he was a vampire. And there was also a werewolf boy in love with Bella as well, which only made things more complicated. In the end, Bella ends up marrying Edward and in order to save her life, he transforms her into a vampire as well.
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