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Cutezee's Cooking Academy: Macarons

Welcome to our first amazing class together with Chef Cutezee in this game ! Here you will learn the most delicious and exquisite recipes available world wide, in a fun environment and with a great guide. Our first lesson is about a delicious sweet treat. You will learn how to cook the most delicious macarons. Sound like great fun, right? Don't waste any time and begin the first lesson! Your first task will be to find a few utensils and ingredients needs to make the recipe. When it's done, take the tray out and start filling them with different flavored cream. Have fun!

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Cutezee's Cooking Academy: Macarons

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Cutezee's Cooking Academy: Macarons

Welcome to our first amazing class together with Chef Cutezee in this game ! Here you will learn the most delicious and exquisite recipes available world wide, in a fun environment and with a great guide. Our first lesson is about a delicious sweet treat. You will learn how to cook the most delicious macarons. Sound like great fun, right? Don't waste any time and begin the first lesson! Your first task will be to find a few utensils and ingredients needs to make the recipe. When it's done, take the tray out and start filling them with different flavored cream. Have fun!
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