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Famous Paintings 1

Famous Paintings 1 is one of the Difference Games that you can play on maths4kid.com for free. Closely inspect each one of these masterpieces and their altered counterparts. Can you identify all of the differences in the paintings in this puzzle game before you run out of time?

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Famous Paintings 1

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Famous Paintings 1

Famous Paintings 1 is one of the Difference Games that you can play on maths4kid.com for free. Closely inspect each one of these masterpieces and their altered counterparts. Can you identify all of the differences in the paintings in this puzzle game before you run out of time?
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Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: