) or "less than" () symbol that appears on their dividing line. Note that this puzzle has no starting clues given; the greater than symbols are enough to determine a unique solution without any initial conditions at all! As an aid in solving, some cells have been shaded. Cells with a lower value than all their neighbors are blue; cells with a higher value than all their neighbors are red. Happy puzzling!"/> ) or "less than" () symbol that appears on their dividing line. Note that this puzzle has no starting clues given; the greater than symbols are enough to determine a unique solution without any initial conditions at all! As an aid in solving, some cells have been shaded. Cells with a lower value than all their neighbors are blue; cells with a higher value than all their neighbors are red. Happy puzzling!" />
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Greater Than Sudoku

Can you handle this challenging version of the classic puzzle game? Each of the numbers 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and block. In addition, adjacent cells must obey any "greater than" (>) or "less than" () symbol that appears on their dividing line. Note that this puzzle has no starting clues given; the greater than symbols are enough to determine a unique solution without any initial conditions at all! As an aid in solving, some cells have been shaded. Cells with a lower value than all their neighbors are blue; cells with a higher value than all their neighbors are red. Happy puzzling!

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Greater Than Sudoku

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Greater Than Sudoku

Can you handle this challenging version of the classic puzzle game? Each of the numbers 1 to 9 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and block. In addition, adjacent cells must obey any "greater than" (>) or "less than" () symbol that appears on their dividing line. Note that this puzzle has no starting clues given; the greater than symbols are enough to determine a unique solution without any initial conditions at all! As an aid in solving, some cells have been shaded. Cells with a lower value than all their neighbors are blue; cells with a higher value than all their neighbors are red. Happy puzzling!
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Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: