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Hip - Hop Girl Dressup

Hip hop style has a specific attitude that is difficult to recreate. When someone steps out in this edgy yet laidback style, you know they probably have an awesome personality! Pepper loves the dark colors and relaxed fit of hip hop clothing and would love your help putting together a modern and cool outfit for a day in the city. Some other clothes might be difficult to move around in, like over the top high-heels and itchy sequins everywhere. With hip hop style Pepper can play basketball, swing by the local pizzeria for a slice, and skateboard back to her apartment with ease. No problem, except for the occasional pizza sauce stain on her t-shirt!

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Hip - Hop Girl Dressup

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Hip - Hop Girl Dressup

Hip hop style has a specific attitude that is difficult to recreate. When someone steps out in this edgy yet laidback style, you know they probably have an awesome personality! Pepper loves the dark colors and relaxed fit of hip hop clothing and would love your help putting together a modern and cool outfit for a day in the city. Some other clothes might be difficult to move around in, like over the top high-heels and itchy sequins everywhere. With hip hop style Pepper can play basketball, swing by the local pizzeria for a slice, and skateboard back to her apartment with ease. No problem, except for the occasional pizza sauce stain on her t-shirt!
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