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Lover Rescue

Our friend's lover has been locked up inside her house by her father. Her father doesn't like their relationship and he wants her to marry a boy whom he have chosen already. In this game you are gonna play her lover's character. You have met a magician recently and got the power to see any objects and to move them remotely but you cannot move any living things. Rescue the girl so that they both( lovers) can elope from that land and live happily, Good Luck...

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Lover Rescue

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Lover Rescue

Our friend's lover has been locked up inside her house by her father. Her father doesn't like their relationship and he wants her to marry a boy whom he have chosen already. In this game you are gonna play her lover's character. You have met a magician recently and got the power to see any objects and to move them remotely but you cannot move any living things. Rescue the girl so that they both( lovers) can elope from that land and live happily, Good Luck...
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