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Mr. Lal The Detective Episode 29

You can play Mr. Lal The Detective 29 in your browser for free. Imagine a situation there was a big circus in the city. One day, the circus man impressed with a girl and locked her inside a cage. The girl’s mother complained to Mr. Lal that her daughter was missing. Mr. Lal went to the circus to find that girl. As you are a person of good problem-solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.

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Mr. Lal The Detective Episode 29

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Mr. Lal The Detective Episode 29

You can play Mr. Lal The Detective 29 in your browser for free. Imagine a situation there was a big circus in the city. One day, the circus man impressed with a girl and locked her inside a cage. The girl’s mother complained to Mr. Lal that her daughter was missing. Mr. Lal went to the circus to find that girl. As you are a person of good problem-solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.
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