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Professional Makeup Artist

Adriana is a very beautiful girl and she loves to wear Makeup to emphasize her features. She will go to a beautiful party tonight, so she thought it would be a good idea to contact a great professional Makeup artist to create her look. In this game you can join her and learn how such a look is created. For any great Makeup the first step is the prep. A professional Makeup artist will use tweezers to reshape the eyebrows, face cream to moisturize, concealer under the eyes to hide the dark circles, a great and natural shade of foundation, bronzer to contour the face and highlighter. Have a really amazing time playing our brand new game called Professional Makeup Artist, and learning all the tips and tricks!

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Professional Makeup Artist

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Professional Makeup Artist

Adriana is a very beautiful girl and she loves to wear Makeup to emphasize her features. She will go to a beautiful party tonight, so she thought it would be a good idea to contact a great professional Makeup artist to create her look. In this game you can join her and learn how such a look is created. For any great Makeup the first step is the prep. A professional Makeup artist will use tweezers to reshape the eyebrows, face cream to moisturize, concealer under the eyes to hide the dark circles, a great and natural shade of foundation, bronzer to contour the face and highlighter. Have a really amazing time playing our brand new game called Professional Makeup Artist, and learning all the tips and tricks!
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