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PSY VS. Zombies

Gangnamstayla touring successfully passed, and he went to the station to move to his home town. But on the way it is trying to attack the relentless zombies. In Gangnam no protection, and he will have to get out of its holster and start shooting their abusers. Your goal - to help fight off the rebels Gangnam monsters, otherwise they will be able to infect him as a dangerous virus.

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PSY VS. Zombies

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PSY VS. Zombies

Gangnamstayla touring successfully passed, and he went to the station to move to his home town. But on the way it is trying to attack the relentless zombies. In Gangnam no protection, and he will have to get out of its holster and start shooting their abusers. Your goal - to help fight off the rebels Gangnam monsters, otherwise they will be able to infect him as a dangerous virus.
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