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Ragnarok Idle

Idle game based on classic Ragnarok.Our objective is try to get the closest as possible of the original game, being an idle game still.Play as novice/swordman, grind for leveling, gear up, explore midgard, face challenging enemies.Feedback is essential for a better development of the game.Thanks for playing!More features will be added soon.Next steps:- Sounds- Refining- Inventory separation- Matk- Hair color- Improve UI- Buffs items- Perfect flee- Set bonus- Female sprite- All other Jobs (1-1)- Jobs (2-1/2-2)- Weapon sprite- Skills- Monster skills- MVP system- AI setting for items/skills- Rebirth- Offline bonus- Party System- Leaderboards

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Ragnarok Idle

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Ragnarok Idle

Idle game based on classic Ragnarok.Our objective is try to get the closest as possible of the original game, being an idle game still.Play as novice/swordman, grind for leveling, gear up, explore midgard, face challenging enemies.Feedback is essential for a better development of the game.Thanks for playing!More features will be added soon.Next steps:- Sounds- Refining- Inventory separation- Matk- Hair color- Improve UI- Buffs items- Perfect flee- Set bonus- Female sprite- All other Jobs (1-1)- Jobs (2-1/2-2)- Weapon sprite- Skills- Monster skills- MVP system- AI setting for items/skills- Rebirth- Offline bonus- Party System- Leaderboards
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You can use UGameZone Flash Enabler plugin to enable Flash automatically. Or you can follow our instructions to enable Flash manually.

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Please enable Adobe Flash Player to play "Ragnarok Idle"

Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: