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Santa Sleigh Accident

It's Christmas and Santa and his trusty reindeer is ready to spread the joy and the gifts for all the good kids around the world. He has so much work to do and he is in a hurry. They are traveling fast and placing the gifts under the beautifully decorated trees. Oh no! Santa and his Sleigh hit a light tower and he needs immediate medical help. Can you help him in the Santa Sleigh Accident? Otherwise many kids around he world will be left without a gift this Christmas! Clean the reindeer with a towel and use the comb to brush his fur. When you are done, in Santa Sleigh Accident you need to fix the damaged gifts from Santa's bag, otherwise he won't be able to deliver them. Have fun!

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Santa Sleigh Accident

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Santa Sleigh Accident

It's Christmas and Santa and his trusty reindeer is ready to spread the joy and the gifts for all the good kids around the world. He has so much work to do and he is in a hurry. They are traveling fast and placing the gifts under the beautifully decorated trees. Oh no! Santa and his Sleigh hit a light tower and he needs immediate medical help. Can you help him in the Santa Sleigh Accident? Otherwise many kids around he world will be left without a gift this Christmas! Clean the reindeer with a towel and use the comb to brush his fur. When you are done, in Santa Sleigh Accident you need to fix the damaged gifts from Santa's bag, otherwise he won't be able to deliver them. Have fun!
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