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Sara's Cooking Class Bento Box

Today, Sarah has prepared a delicious lunchtime meal that is sure to breathe new life into your meal breaks at school. Grab your apron and prepare to excite your taste buds as you prepare this bento box, filled with scrumptious goodies. A bento box is a lunchbox that holds several different snacks in various compartments, intended to keep you fueled throughout the day. Follow the instructions and stick to the recipe to prepare this delectable bento box, packed with your favorite snacks, in this fun online cooking game for girls. All of your friends are sure to ask you to try your delicious lunch, so make enough to share!

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Sara's Cooking Class Bento Box

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Sara's Cooking Class Bento Box

Today, Sarah has prepared a delicious lunchtime meal that is sure to breathe new life into your meal breaks at school. Grab your apron and prepare to excite your taste buds as you prepare this bento box, filled with scrumptious goodies. A bento box is a lunchbox that holds several different snacks in various compartments, intended to keep you fueled throughout the day. Follow the instructions and stick to the recipe to prepare this delectable bento box, packed with your favorite snacks, in this fun online cooking game for girls. All of your friends are sure to ask you to try your delicious lunch, so make enough to share!
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