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Sara's Cooking Class Thai Beef Salad

Thai food is all the rage! Try Sara's take on this awesomely exotic dish. Making all these delish meals don’t need to be unhealthy. Follow Sara’s tips to make a dish that not only tastes great but is also really good for you. Perfect for warmer weather, this green bean salad has a great mix of flavors and is topped off with an awesome dressing. Complete each stage in quick time to score extra points—if you’re not happy first time around, why not go back and do it again? Are you ready for dessert yet?

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Sara's Cooking Class Thai Beef Salad

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Sara's Cooking Class Thai Beef Salad

Thai food is all the rage! Try Sara's take on this awesomely exotic dish. Making all these delish meals don’t need to be unhealthy. Follow Sara’s tips to make a dish that not only tastes great but is also really good for you. Perfect for warmer weather, this green bean salad has a great mix of flavors and is topped off with an awesome dressing. Complete each stage in quick time to score extra points—if you’re not happy first time around, why not go back and do it again? Are you ready for dessert yet?
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