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Sexy Football

you can play as 1 player game or 2 player game. You can choose to be either girls or boys. If you choose girls then the computer will be boys and vice versa. The game is split into 2 halves of 1 minute each. Player 1 will always shoot upwards in the first half and downwards in the second. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most goals after 2 minutes of play. If both scores are the same then the game is a draw. When in play use your keyboard controls to move your selected player around the pitch. The selected player has an arrow above their head. To take control of the ball run as close to the ball as possible. Keep control of the ball and within shooting range hold down your shoot key and let go to shoot. Immediately after taking a shot hit a direction on your controls and the ball will swerve. Use your sliding tackle to get the ball off your opponent.

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Sexy Football

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Sexy Football

you can play as 1 player game or 2 player game. You can choose to be either girls or boys. If you choose girls then the computer will be boys and vice versa. The game is split into 2 halves of 1 minute each. Player 1 will always shoot upwards in the first half and downwards in the second. The winner of the game is the team that scores the most goals after 2 minutes of play. If both scores are the same then the game is a draw. When in play use your keyboard controls to move your selected player around the pitch. The selected player has an arrow above their head. To take control of the ball run as close to the ball as possible. Keep control of the ball and within shooting range hold down your shoot key and let go to shoot. Immediately after taking a shot hit a direction on your controls and the ball will swerve. Use your sliding tackle to get the ball off your opponent.
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You can use UGameZone Flash Enabler plugin to enable Flash automatically. Or you can follow our instructions to enable Flash manually.

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Please enable Adobe Flash Player to play "Sexy Football"

Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: