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Storm Ops

Your base is being attacked and it’s up to you, and you alone, to protect it in this first-person action game. All you have to do to win Storm Ops is survive 25 waves of enemies. Or at least, that’s when you get a medal proving just how awesome you are. If you want to go on to prove just how much more awesome you are, you can keep going to see how far you can make it. As you defeat enemies, you’ll earn money, and you can use that money to repair your base, or equip new and better items to help you defeat those enemies more efficiently. It’s a cycle that would be broken if only the enemies looked right into the woods where you’re hiding.

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Storm Ops

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Storm Ops

Your base is being attacked and it’s up to you, and you alone, to protect it in this first-person action game. All you have to do to win Storm Ops is survive 25 waves of enemies. Or at least, that’s when you get a medal proving just how awesome you are. If you want to go on to prove just how much more awesome you are, you can keep going to see how far you can make it. As you defeat enemies, you’ll earn money, and you can use that money to repair your base, or equip new and better items to help you defeat those enemies more efficiently. It’s a cycle that would be broken if only the enemies looked right into the woods where you’re hiding.
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Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: