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Super Barbie Resurrection Emergency

Super Barbie got hurt pretty bad in the last fight with a villain and now her life is in danger. Go into the emergency room to help the doctor perform CPR using the defibrillator paddles and make sure she has enough oxygen. Once the beautiful Super Barbie is feeling better, give her water to keep her hydrated and vitamins to strenghten her immune system. Now she will be in the best shape, more powerful than ever!

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Super Barbie Resurrection Emergency

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Super Barbie Resurrection Emergency

Super Barbie got hurt pretty bad in the last fight with a villain and now her life is in danger. Go into the emergency room to help the doctor perform CPR using the defibrillator paddles and make sure she has enough oxygen. Once the beautiful Super Barbie is feeling better, give her water to keep her hydrated and vitamins to strenghten her immune system. Now she will be in the best shape, more powerful than ever!
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