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Winx Club

Something truly magical has happened to Bloom, an ordinary girl who discovers she's really a fairy with extraordinary powers! Bloom learns to use her magical powers at the finest fairy school in all the realms, Alfea College. At school, she meets her new best friends, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha, and forms the Winx Club. Together, they study hard in school, hang out at their favorite spots in Magix and go on lots of exciting adventures. When faced with trouble, they transform into beautiful fairies and save the world from all sorts of villains, like The Trix, a trio of evil witches. But for these six fairies, nothing can defeat their powerful magic and even stronger friendship. Get ready to feel the magic!

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Winx Club

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Winx Club

Something truly magical has happened to Bloom, an ordinary girl who discovers she's really a fairy with extraordinary powers! Bloom learns to use her magical powers at the finest fairy school in all the realms, Alfea College. At school, she meets her new best friends, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha, and forms the Winx Club. Together, they study hard in school, hang out at their favorite spots in Magix and go on lots of exciting adventures. When faced with trouble, they transform into beautiful fairies and save the world from all sorts of villains, like The Trix, a trio of evil witches. But for these six fairies, nothing can defeat their powerful magic and even stronger friendship. Get ready to feel the magic!
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